Online Registration Of ITIs for submission of Data  of APF , Practical And Sessional :

Data of APF , Sessional and practical  from various ITIs  are required to be sent by the Institutes to Board's Office through this Online Entry System.

  • All the Industrial Training Institutes are required to Register online with the Board's website for online submission of data of APF, Sessional and Practical  of students.

  • Once registered, data regarding APF, Practical Marks, Sessional Marks , Attendance sheets ,  Results and any other information, required from time to time, will be available through their Login Id and Password.

  • All the Institutes are therefore required to register to get their Login Id and Password as per the information given below.

  • To Register on the Board's site, Institutes are required to follow the following steps :

    • Download Registration Letter by clicking here

    • Take a printout and fill the required fields.

    • Follow the instructions given below for creating your official email address.

    • Then get it signed from the Principal with the seal of the Institute.

    • Scan the duly filled Registration Letter and send as attachment with email on Board's email address: Institutes should send the email from the newly created official email address. Instructions for creating official email address are given below.

    • The subject of the email should be "Registration for ITI".

    After receiving your email we will send the further details on the official email registered by the Institute. Remain in contact with the Board through the official Email address of your institutes. Please visit Board's website regularly.

    It is must to check your email frequently for latest updations.

Instructions for creating Official email address:

1.      Access to this official email should only be restricted to Principal OR authorised Co-ordinator of the Institute (mentioned below).

2.      Under no circumstances password of the email should be shared by the principal with anyone else. In case of Transfer of the Principal, it is the duty of the current Principal to handover the password to the new Principal.

3.      Email should be kept working as this email will be used for further communication with the Institute.

4.      Pattern of Email should be as below :

a.  For Govt. Institutes:iti_instititutecode@any email website ( or

b.  For Private Institutes:itc_instititutecode@ any email website( or

For example
: INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, BASSI PATHANA is a Govt. Institute having institute code 1111, created email at website :

email address of this institute will be  :   OR  

All Institutes should follow the above mentioned pattern to create email address.

Note : In case this email address is not available or should be used.

  • In case of any problem contact Computer Section of the Board. 
  • Phone : Computer Section 0172-2622586